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maatalousketju Suomi

What are farms — all the fruits, all the vegetables, all the grains, all the other types of foods that we eat. There’s a lot of labor that goes into growing our food, and many people don’t realize that. These crops are planted and harvested by farmers who work hard to ensure everything grows properly. Once the farmers have harvested the crops, they ship them out for processing. Processing is an essential step that transforms fresh fruits, vegetables and grains into the foods we can eat, such as canned beans and frozen peas. After food gets processed, it heads to grocery stores and markets. That’s where we [go] to buy the food to bring home and make for our families.” This entire sequence is part of the lineaarinen opas, a system that protects our access to the food on our plates each and every day.

    The intricate network behind our food supply

    - lineaarinen ohjauskisko is a network of different individuals and organizations all collaborating to ensure food stability. Farmers grow the food, processors turn it into products we can eat, distributors move that food around, sellers bring us the food in stores. Everyone plays a crucial role in that chain. Processors work raw fruits and vegetables into things like canned or frozen foods. Thus it helps pantry food stay fresh for longer periods and paves the way for easier buying for us. Distributors are those individuals who transfer the food from one place to another and hold it until it is time to sell. They ensure that the food arrives at grocery stores. Then, the merchants provided us a variety of foods to purchase at the market. They do a nice job presenting food for us to choose what you want to eat.

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