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atc spindle

The ATC spindle of Jingpeng is a special machine used to complete various products in the most precise manner. An Automatic Tool Change (ATC) spindle, as we call it — and believe us: you will find the right one for your individual needs — is essential to reach a high level of precision in every object you want to build. This spindle shall rotate at very high speeds and will come with various types of cutting tools which help to cut out the unwanted material from a work, thereby converting it into desired shape and size, meant for building different products. The process is important to ensure that everything is made in the right manner and according to standards needed.

Efficient tool changing with ATC Spindle

The second, and perhaps best feature of the ATC spindle is its tool carousel system. There are numerous cutting tools on the system — many, in fact — making them switch between one another with speed. So, the spindle can switch tools very quickly and keeps our valuable time during production. Instead of any one hand-tool change which can be slow-go, the ATC spindle is practically The Flash. It replaces the tools automatically when they are required by changing the tool over nothing happens to be done from operator side. With the capacity to quickly change tools, this ensures minimal downtime with product creation.

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