Komponenter i spårsystem för tunga maskiner
In the meantime, tracked systems continue to be very necessary for helping Verktygsmaskinskruv move and work in locales like construction sites (Not just Hitachi's little Zaxis digger), similar areas at mines or farms. They include a number of high-value components that work in concert to allow the vehicles travel smoothly over challenging off-tarmac terrain. This Jingpeng article is going to examine some of the primary custom components necessary for fine tuned performing heavy machinery.
Spårkedjor: Spårkedjor är centrala för bandmekanismen. Dessa Jingpeng-typer är i grunden sammanlänkade delar som alla arbetar tillsammans för att hålla maskinen horisontell och få den att hålla fast vid marken. Det är denna gripande verkan som säkerställer maskinens förmåga att avancera för att kunna glida eller tappa balansen. När bandkedjorna slits är det viktigt att de byts ut. Det kan spara resten av maskinen, vilket i sin tur håller nere kostnader och problem till ett minimum.
Track Shoes: Track shoes are the parts that make contact with the ground. They are instrumental in the machine being stable while it is on moves. Track shoes are constructed with hard wearing qualities such as rubber, so they can withstand heavy usage. Track shoes generally need replacing on a yearly basis due to heavy usage. It will prevent issues such as breaking of shoes while operating the machine.
Rollers: Rollers are significant parts as they keep track links properly in place and support the smooth operation while moving. They reduce the friction between track and ground allowing wheels to turn over them. There is a wide range of rollers you can find in the market but how effective they are depends on its design and making. If the roller is suitable for range of machine it will improve greatly in performance.
Idlers: – Idlers are the second most important parts of track system. Support the weight of the machine evenly and keep it from sagging or drooping in between rollers. Types of Components, The Jingpeng balance between work, caulking and equipment life is an important factor that affects the correct alignment of tracks. Idlers also maintain the track in proper alignment, which helps to safeguard your equipment system from the risks of misalignment.
Kuggar: Kuggarna ansvarar för att flytta kraften från motorn till spårmekanismen. Håll dem korrekt inriktade för att få en jämnare prestanda. Kedjehjul med kablar måste vara väl underhållna och rätt inriktade, så din kablage fortsätter att fungera utmärkt. Att ta hand om kedjehjul kan förhindra att delar slits ut i förtid och spara dig kostsamma haverier.
In time, it would be crucial to recognize used linjära diabilder parts early on. This will eliminate problems that may cause the machine to shut down, or halt operations. If the track system is no longer functioning correctly, it will eventually be necessary to replace some parts of tracks.
Överanvända spåren, vilket i sin tur saktar ner dem.
Bära mönster som uppmärksammar anpassningsproblem eller annat klokt
Uppriktning av spåret, dålig uppriktning kan göra att maskinen går långsamt och ineffektivt.
Trasiga eller saknade komponenter som kan orsaka skada.
Ljud och värme på banan, vilket vanligtvis är tecken på problem.
If you encounter any one of these symptoms, get help from a professional before it is too late. This way you can save yourself from spending a lot of time and money. Aside from that, for the system to work properly and last longer it is most advantageous when high-quality replacement parts are used.
Bansystem är bättre och effektivare än någonsin tack vare ny teknik. Några delar som öppnar upp i modern tid och därför nu är tillgängliga är följande.
Composite Track Shoes -Denna typ av skor är gjorda för att förhindra eller åtminstone sänka bullervibrationerna och beskjutas för sin lägre vikt. Detta bidrar ytterligare till att förbättra maskinens totala prestanda.
Förbättrade kedjehjul: De nya kedjehjulen är designade för att minska buller och vibrationer, vilket säkerställer mindre slitage på komponenterna samtidigt som de ger förbättrad kraftöverföring mellan motor och band.
Self-lubricating systems: Newer systems that require less oil could well outlast older equipment—simple as that—and thus reduce replacement rates and lower maintenance costs. This innovation makes running the ställdonets motor mycket smidigare och snabbare.
Gauge: Track parts can now be monitored via electronic sensors. These sensors can alert operators when an equipment needs maintenance making it easier to maintain proper working of the device.
Track system components specializes production all types mechanical transmission equipment. new, large-scale 6-meter CNC production line able produce one 6-meter guide rail batches. guide rail as big 125. Guide rails can found complete set comprising 25, 30 35 55, 65, 85 100, 125. maximum capacity load-bearing single slider 192t. screw production base produce batches minimum diameter Ph6mm lead size 1mm; maximum diameter Ph245mm; screw length 10m rated maximum dynamic load 125 tons. It make ball screw pairs a variety sizes, including C1 levels 2-meter 3-meter batches, 5-meter C3 level 10 meters level C5.YOSO Motion is best linear system partner. We'll work together help support Industry 4.0.Subvert impression Made China.
Multi-product Integration Solution YOSO offers all components control transmission,Track system components satisfy needs customers. We're determined assist customers to more competitive the marketplace, providing technical solutions, factory efficiency branding power, product qualification.offer product range wide selection superior performance earned trust market due our deep understanding customer requirements.Partners around world established closer relationships YOSO, the internationalization strategy allows YOSO brand dealers reach customers their regions through global network. Contact me you interested joining us!
Jingpeng Machinery Track system components 2015 is headquartered Shanghai will launch EU branch Poland 2022. company continue increase presence the world.In last 10 years its development, YOSO become integrated platform trade industry mechanical transmission industry, with own brand international patents. Since time setting up factory, Jingpeng always adhered corporate culture "brand quality, service, brand" implemented into every team.Branding allows to part international trade fairs each year; quality is core YOSO's sustainable development; service allows customers become partners our businessJingpeng Machinery become best purchasing platform industrial 4.0 mechanical transmissions. trust based 10 years flawless production, 190 expert engineers, 24 modern production lines, huge 50,000m2 production base; manufacturing every mechanical transmission a series meticulously selected manufacturing techniques, YOSO Committed producing perfect products.
Brand : 10 years international exhibition participationquality life is foundation sustainable developmentServe : Customers partnersTransmission SolutionsTrack system components trained professionals in field transmissioncomponents within company perfectly analyzecustomer drawing requiremenis 3D finished productmodels facilitate production arrangements.Industry ExchangeYOSO a fervent advocate all well-known industry fairs that held across globe participates them. exchanges betweenpractitioners forward-looking applicationentrepreneurship leading companies importantsoil for growth.
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