Jingpeng Masjinerie | Aangebied by die wêreld se vyf groot industriële geleenthede met intelligente bewegingsbeheeroplossings
Jingpeng Masjinerie | Aangebied by die wêreld se vyf groot industriële geleenthede met intelligente bewegingsbeheeroplossings
——Drive smart manufacturing with innovation and enable global industrial 4.0 upgrade
[Global Journey, Intelligent Control of the Future]
In 2025, Jingpeng Machinery will land in the world's top five industrial exhibitions as the "leader of intelligent motion control technology":
EXPOMAFE 2025 (Sao Paulo, Brazil | Latin America's largest metal processing exhibition)
METALLOOBRABOTKA 2025 (Moscow, Russia | International Metal Cutting Technology Summit)
TECMA 2025 (Mexico City | North America's advanced manufacturing vane)
INNOPROM 2025 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan | Eurasian Industrial Digital Transformation Platform)
MTA Vietnam 2025 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Southeast Asia's core hub for precision manufacturing)
[Exhibition Focus: Three Innovative Technical Solutions]
★ YOSO™ Intelligent Flexible Control Unit
▷ Dynamic response speed increased by 30%, adapting to multi-model mixed production lines
▷ On-site demonstration of the full process solution for flexible assembly of automotive parts
★ Nano-level precision displacement control system
▷ Repeat positioning accuracy of ±0.5μm, overcoming the pain points of semiconductor packaging equipment
▷ First customized version adapted for photovoltaic wafer cutting machine
★ AIoT power drive control device
▷ Integrated edge computing module to achieve intelligent optimization of equipment energy consumption
▷ Support industrial Internet of Things protocol and seamlessly connect to digital factory system
【Why choose Jingpeng? 】
✅ Technical strength
76 global patents build a technological moat
National laboratory certification, annual R&D investment intensity exceeds 15%
✅ Full service chain
24 localized service teams, 48-hour emergency response
Customer repurchase rate 99.8%, service life cycle extended by 30%
✅ Ecological foresight
2025 strategy: Release the beta version of the smart factory full closed-loop system
2030 goal: Build a global motion control technology standard alliance
[Global customer testimony]
"Jingpeng's precision control module has increased the efficiency of our German production line by 22%"-A European automotive Tier1 supplier
"The stability of the YOSO system in the Vietnamese factory far exceeded expectations"-Leading electronic manufacturing company in Southeast Asia
Aanbeveel Produkte
Warm nuus
Jingpeng Masjinerie | Aangebied by die wêreld se vyf groot industriële geleenthede met intelligente bewegingsbeheeroplossings
Jingpeng Machinery se nuwe kantoor is oop, toegewy daaraan om kliënte van beter dienste te voorsien
Kliënt eerste, ons voorsien jou van pasgemaakte skroefoplossings
Innovasiegedrewe, verbeterde skroefproduksietegnologie
Japannese ingenieurs met twintig jaar ondervinding in die bedryf het na Jingpeng gekom om 'n diepgaande begrip van die produkte te kry en samewerking uit te voer
Die laaste stop vir Poolse kliënte is Jingpeng-hoofkwartier, samewerking begin met vertroue
Russiese klante het Jingpeng-hoofkwartier in November besoek, en die twee partye het 'n strategiese samewerking suksesvol bereik
Japannese ingenieurs het Jingpeng-hoofkwartier besoek om meer oor die produkte te wete te kom en bestellings suksesvol geplaas
Tunisiese kliënte het Jingpeng Machinery se groot skroefproduksievermoëns geprys en nie-standaard pasgemaakte monsters gebring om samewerkingsplanne te bespreek
Turkse klante het Jingpeng-fabriek besoek en bestellings suksesvol geplaas